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Here is which San Francisco neighborhoods have the best and lowest percentages of vaccinated folks

New neighborhood-level data on vaccination in San Francisco shows that the highest dose percentage area is Japantown and the least vaccinated area is Treasure Island.

In Japantown, 37% of 3,532 residents received one or more cans, followed by Twin Peaks, where 24% of 8,019 residents received a shot or two. As of now, only 5% of Treasure Island’s 3,064 residents have been vaccinated.

The tenderloin, another quarter with lower incomes, is also lagging behind with 13% of vaccinated residents.

“A mobile vaccination station needed along with the tenderloin on TI,” tweeted Matt Haney, San Francisco supervisor, on Saturday afternoon, noting that Treasure Island has a large number of elderly, low-income residents.

The data comes from the city’s updated vaccine tracker, which now has a table showing each neighborhood’s population, the number of neighborhood residents who received vaccines, and the percentage of each neighborhood’s residents who received at least one shot.

A major reason Japantown and Twin Peaks are ahead of other neighborhoods, according to the San Francisco Department of Health, is because they both have large numbers of qualified care facilities. Residents of qualified care facilities could be vaccinated as part of phase 1a of the city.

The data doesn’t show that the richest and whitest neighborhoods get higher proportions of doses.

The marina, for example, lags Bayview-Hunters Point with 13% of the vaccinated population compared to 18% of the population. In other affluent neighborhoods like Pacific Heights and Haight Ashbury, a lower proportion of residents are vaccinated than in lower-income areas like Chinatown and Excelsior.

Overall, Asian San Franciscans have the highest vaccination rate of any ethnic group at 32% of the administered doses – close to their 34.6% population.

White residents, on the other hand, lag slightly: around 30% of the cans went to white, non-Spanish residents, although they make up over 42% of the city’s population. Hispanic and black residents are also slightly behind when it comes to vaccination rates, although not as much as the white Franciscans.

The ethnicity data is self-reported, which means it does not exactly match the U.S. census estimates used to categorize San Franciscans. For example, 14.5% of vaccines were given to people who identified their race as “other” or “unknown”, even though those categories in census figures made up only 0.5% of the city’s population.

When it comes to age, the city seems to be following the California framework: people over 65 make up only 17% of the population of San Francisco, but have received 48% of the footage so far. People under the age of 34 received 17% of the shots while making up almost 40% of the population.

Overall, San Francisco has vaccinated about 17% of its population with at least one dose. Overall, that’s better than the US: 14.6% of Americans have received at least one shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Susie Neilson is a contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: susan.neilson@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @susieneilson

Neighborhoods with the highest percentages of vaccinations per capita, according to the San Francisco data tracker.

Top 6

Japantown: 37%

Twin peaks: 24%

Inner sunset: 23%

Sea cliff: 22%

West of Twin Peaks: 21%

Western addition: 21%

Bottom 6

Treasure Island: 5%

Presidium: 9%

Lakeside: 10%

Lonely Mountain / USF: 12%

Nob Hill: 12%

Hayes Valley: 12%

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