Chimney Sweep

Girl snaps spooky figures inside Lincoln cathedral

A mother of two has revealed creepy snaps from Lincoln Cathedral that she believes may be the ghosts of a chimney sweep boy and his mother.

Leah Harrison, 35, was testing her new phone camera on a day trip when she was apparently joined by two unknown people at the place of worship – despite claiming no one was there.

The cathedral has a history of “haunted” over its 900 years and Ms. Harrison said she felt an odd presence and believes she captured the outline of a boy wearing a cap next to a taller woman.

The housewife said her picture was so clear that many claimed it was fake, which she adamantly denies.

Leah Harrison believes she captured the ghosts of a chimney sweep boy and his mother in the pictured Lincoln Cathedral

Ms. Harrison of Lincoln said, “My mother came to stay with me and wanted to go to the cathedral again because she is enjoying it.

“She just got me a new phone, so I used that and thought I’d test it while I was there, so I just snapped away and didn’t really think much about what I was photographing.

“I’ve been in the paranormal for a long time and you get a creepy feeling when you’re there. We were alone and there weren’t many people at all, certainly nobody was standing in front of us.

“But I had the feeling that someone was there but hadn’t seen anyone at all. It wasn’t until I got home and looked through the pictures that I saw the two figures.

“I uploaded the pictures to social media and waited for someone to point them out to see if anyone else saw them – and sure enough someone did.

It looked like someone had stepped into the light. There were two characters. The one on the left, which I think looked like a chimney sweep boy with a little cap, was pretty weak though.

“But then the figure next to the boy is clearer. You can see the torso, head and chest of someone taller than the little boy.

“You can even zoom in and see this woman’s pupils.

“I’ve never seen anything so clear, I’m really proud of it.”

With her interest in paranormal growth, Ms. Harrison is now producing her own podcast exploring people’s experiences with the supernatural and hoping that her own image will lead people to talk about the possibility of what happens after death.

She said that Ms. Harrison, right, was testing her new camera phone when she spotted the strange characters

Ms. Harrison, right, was testing her new camera phone and said the “ghosts” were “so clear that people accused her of falsifying the picture”.

Ms. Harrison said, “I’m sharing now to see what people think about it. I’ve had mixed reactions from people.

“One person thinks I have layered it – I’m actually quite proud of that because it shows how good it is. It is that lucid people think it is a fake.

“You look at some that are pretty famous and clear, but these are rare. I can honestly say I didn’t fake it.

“I’ve had people who do that with paranormal things. I see it making the rounds a lot, but there is no point. I think a professional would look at this and prove it [is not faked].

‘Some people say they see [the figures]. Some see the woman while others think it is a clergyman, a priest, or a monk.

Ms. Harrison, pictured, has since started a podcast to discuss the paranormal

Ms. Harrison, pictured, has since started a podcast to discuss the paranormal

‘There are many perceptions. It looked like a woman to me – it could be his mother.

‘I’m open [about the existence of the paranormal]. My partner thinks I’m crazy, but I always say that with so many views and perceptions, there is always a lot of truth.

‘I’m open. We all have a lot to learn and seeing is believing in all of that.

“I started a podcast called A Hitchhiker’s Guide to 42 to investigate and discuss people’s experiences. It depicts scientists and skeptics as well as those who have experienced it.

“People are more open about what is good now. Maybe it is because of the way social media is used now.

“But I want to see with my own eyes what I didn’t do with this picture [as I only saw it in the picture afterwards].

“But as a ghost image, it’s up there when I’ve never seen anything like it or seen someone take it clearly.”

Work on Lincoln Cathedral began nearly 1,000 years ago in 1072, but a fire in the early 1100s devastated the building and it had to be rebuilt.

After the plague wiped out 1,349 million people as it swept the land, a spot near the cathedral was chosen as a mass grave when they ran out of sacred ground to bury the large numbers of dead.

Legend has it that on the anniversary of the mass burial, a ghostly parade passes the cathedral and gathers in front of its doors.

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