
New map reveals who’s transferring out and in of your group

Yes, we are seeing a hell of a new trend in recent years as we know we can work from anywhere. We're all moving. This new map, compiled by our Hurst partners at the San Francisco Chronicle, shows us exactly how many people are moving in and out of every county in the country. Really cool. Here is the national picture and you can see that the counties where most people are leaving are shown in orange and where they are going is shown in blue. So you want to be blue. Check this one out. Suffolk County, home of Boston. 39,000 people moved there in recent years. But look at this: 64,000 people moved out in Palm Beach County. Almost 75,000 people moved to the area. 63,000 pulled out another example. Approximately 41,000 people left Allegheny County, their homeland, and moved to Pittsburgh. And the study shows that people are moving to the surrounding outskirts. You can actually trace that, but they also moved to Arizona, Illinois and Texas. Curious where you live. We will publish this searchable map directly on my website, reports Rawson dot com. Back to you

New data currently being collected shows us who is moving out of our local community and who is coming in. During the pandemic years, many cities saw large flows of immigration and emigration as remote work became more possible. The new map was compiled by our Hearst partners at the San Francisco Chronicle. It shows exactly how many people are moving in and out of each county across the country. The counties where people are leaving the most are shown in orange and where they are going in blue. In Suffolk County, Massachusetts, for example, 39,000 people have moved there while 64,000 have moved out in recent years. In Palm Beach County, Florida, 75,000 people moved into the area while 63,000 moved out. The data even tracked which cities and states people are moving from. Approximately 41,000 people left Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The study shows that people moved to the surrounding suburbs, but also to Arizona, Illinois and Texas. In addition to migration data, the report also shows the total income of people moving between counties. Curious where you live? Search your county on the interactive map to see the most common origins and destinations for people moving in and out of your county between 2020 and 2021. Can't see the map? App users click here HR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhwcmVzc25ld3MuY29tL3Byb2plY3RzLzIwMjMvc2FuLWFudG9uaW8tbW92aW5nLXRyZW5kcy1tYXAvbWFwLWVtYmVkLyIgaXM9InJlc3BvbnNpdmUtaWZyY W1l IiBoZWlnaHQ9IiIgaW50ZXJ2YWw9IjEiPjwvaWZyYW1lPg==

New data being collected shows us who is moving out of our local community and who is coming in. During the pandemic years, many cities saw large flows of immigration and emigration as remote work became more possible.

The new map was compiled by our Hearst partners at the San Francisco Chronicle. It shows exactly how many people are moving in and out of each county across the country. The counties where people are leaving the most are shown in orange and where they are going in blue.

In Suffolk County, Massachusetts, for example, 39,000 people have moved there while 64,000 have moved out in recent years. In Palm Beach County, Florida, 75,000 moved into the area while 63,000 moved out.

The data even tracked which cities and states people are moving from. Approximately 41,000 people left Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The study shows that people moved to the surrounding suburbs, but also to Arizona, Illinois and Texas.

In addition to migration data, the report also shows the total income of people moving between counties.

Curious where you live? Search for your county on the interactive map to see the most common origins and destinations for people moving in and out of your county between 2020 and 2021.

Can't see the map? App users click here

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