Donations wanted to restore humane society HVAC unit

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. — With this 90-degree weather, most likely have their air conditioners on.
But at the Humane Society of St. Joseph County, one of the HVAC units failed.
Luckily, the animals are doing well and a temporary mobile unit is keeping the animals cool, but they need help to fix the unit.
The air conditioning broke just before Memorial Day weekend, so the affected area was temporarily fitted with extra fans to keep the animals comfortably cool on these hot days.
Replacing the device could cost as much as $4,000, so they are seeking community donations to help make this important repair possible.
Managing Director Jenny Brown said the facility is 13 years old and has eight or nine HVAC units.
Both the area for adoption dogs and the area for taking in new cats were affected by the glitch.
The staff managed to kill the cats, but they have nowhere else to put the dogs, so they’re now keeping them cool while also calling on the community for help.
“Without an HVAC unit, the temperature in there is going to get to 80, 80 degrees and up, which is a health hazard in those areas and the people who work there,” Brown said. “So we want to make sure we limit that possibility by having working equipment here at the shelter.”
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