Bay Space Air District Finds Oakland Foundry Emissions Pose Well being Danger – CBS San Francisco

OAKLAND (CBS SF / BCN) – The Bay Area Air Quality Management District ruled Monday that emissions from the AB&I Foundry in East Oakland pose an increased health risk and the company must take action to reduce emissions.
The finding comes from the district’s draft Health Risk Assessment, which is required by facility law. The AB & I Foundry website describes the company as a manufacturer of cast iron pipes and fittings for plumbing systems.
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“This health risk assessment is a critical step in understanding and controlling toxic air emissions and protecting the health of a community that has historically been exposed to high levels of air pollution,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the Air District. “The Air District remains committed to providing clean air to the Bay Area’s most vulnerable residents and will continue to fight to breathe.”
The public has 60 days to review and contribute to the health risk assessment. Air District staff will respond to any comments before finalizing the report.
The health risk assessment and staff contact information can be found on the Air Quality District website.
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Due to the increased emissions, the company must submit a risk mitigation plan to the Air District and take action to reduce air pollution for the population.
“AB&I has already taken steps to reduce our emissions by announcing on March 12th that AB&I will relocate molding operations to Texas in 2022. It is heartbreakingly the loss of 100 of our current 200 jobs,” Michael Lowe, the company’s general manager, said in a statement.
“We are continuing to work cooperatively with the Air District by adapting our operations to the stricter emissions standards and hopefully saving the remaining 100 jobs. Unfortunately, California regulations are a moving target that creates business uncertainty and makes it very difficult to continue long-term investments, ”said Lowe.
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