
APEC 2023: The place did San Francisco’s homeless go throughout summit? This is what we uncovered

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — If you've visited San Francisco in the last week, it's likely you've noticed fewer homeless people near the Moscone Center and downtown.

Since APEC began, the streets are cleaner and the homeless population is no longer as visible in downtown San Francisco.

The San Francisco Standard took over the warehouse at Van Ness Avenue and Eddy Street two months ago. A completely different look this week. Plant boxes are now on the sidewalk. A mile from APEC.

Minna Street between Seventh Street and Julia Street with several tents, two months ago. Deleted this week. Less than a mile from APEC.

All of this leads to the question: Where did the homeless in San Francisco go? We found many of them on Willow Street.

MORE: Living Room on the Embarcadero: The Story of a Homeless Man in SF

Luz Pena: “Where were you before you came here to Willow?”

Cody Jost: “Harrison and 5th Street. A little further down”

Pena: “Has the city moved you?”

Jost: “Yes, pretty much. They close off certain streets and tell you to move on. Basically they control everything. They tell you where to move and all you have to do is get up and go.”

Before APEC, Cody had set up camp two blocks from the Moscone Center.

Over the last week, U.S. Secret Service has restricted access around the Moscone Center. Cody said city workers showed up and offered him housing. He took it.

Pena: “What did you notice a month before APEC?”

“About a month before APEC began, there was targeted engagement with the city and the homeless. People who were homeless in the south of the market. Many of these people came to the Tenderloin and told us they were given options for housing,” said Terry Giovannini, St. Anthony’s chief program officer.

St. Anthony's has been keeping an eye on the housing need in the Tenderloin. There was an upward trend this week.

“Many of the people who remained on the streets in SOMA were asked to move. Many of the people asked to relocate were offered housing. Those who have chosen not to seek accommodation are looking for alternatives during APEC,” said Giovannini.

MORE: SF will step up clearing of uninhabited camps after court resolves, officials say

In a statement, the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing acknowledged that efforts change when events like APEC take place:

“We want to do our best. Targeted outreach will focus on the conference environment and providing safe spaces for people experiencing homelessness will be a priority.”

Businesses in the Tenderloin are happy that more homeless people are now housed in shelters, but are worried about what will happen when APEC is over.

“We will definitely keep pushing. We are all voters. The property owners, the businesses, we are the mayors, voters, we are the city of San Francisco and they need to listen to us,” said Rene Colorado, executive director of the Tenderloin Merchants Association.

HSH also said that although there was no dedicated shelter capacity for APEC, the day APEC began in San Francisco, the city opened winter shelters and added 300 beds to the shelter system.

Full HSH statement:

“San Francisco’s work to combat homelessness is a priority 365 days a year. We are on the streets every day, sheltering people every night, and moving people out of homelessness every day. Our best efforts will be focused on the conference environment and providing safe spaces for people experiencing homelessness will be a priority be. The SF Homeless Outreach team will connect people experiencing homelessness to services, shelter, and housing assessments in real time. HSH does not provide specific housing for APEC. We are not expected to provide additional shelter capacity during the Summit, which will support us during APEC and throughout the winter: The Interfaith Winter Shelter will run from November 10, 2023 to March 24, 2024 and will provide shelter capacity for Increase people who are homeless during the challenging winter season. Further expansion of accommodation capacity in three shared accommodations for adults. This expansion was funded in the last budget cycle and is scheduled to come online in November and December 2023. This capacity is not yet complete. We estimate this will add 300 beds to the shelter system. As always, addressing homelessness requires a comprehensive and compassionate approach. The APEC Conference provides an opportunity to highlight San Francisco’s commitment to this problem and demonstrate our city’s innovation, resilience and determination to find lasting and meaningful solutions.”

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